Your Resource and Learning Partner

Business Partners
NWSC will form partnerships with various companies when it is beneficial to our membership.
Business Partnerships
NW Service Cooperative has business partnerships with the companies display below. More information about each is on their respective websites.

A student loan advisory company, to help improve your student loan situation and achieve overall financial well-being. They educate you and provide options, including loan forgiveness and refinancing, that may help lower, or even eliminate, your payment.
Enter code: NW1 on their website to learn more.

In partnership with NWSC,
ICS offers a variety of innovative facility solutions including:
Long Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) Management
Long-Range Planning and Capital Improvement Planning
Energy Efficiency and Monitoring Services
Technical Services
10% discount to NWSC members of ICS planning services

OnToCollege Partnership
OTC has partnered with over 420 schools across 25 states to help create more 2- and 4-year college grads with minimal debt. Partners routinely jump their school-wide ACT scores 1-3 points. MREA member districts and Northwest Service Cooperative (NWSC) members receive a discount on OTC Test Prep and College Counseling. More information is available by going to their website.