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Spelling Bee
The 2024-25 Regional Spelling Bee was held February 5, 2025, at Northland Community & Technical College.
More information about the National Spelling Bee program can be found at www.spellingbee.com.
Spelling Bee 2025
The Spelling Bee is a series of competitions for students in grades 5-8 beginning at the classroom level and progressing on to district, region, state and national levels. Benefits for students include improved spelling, increased vocabulary, learning concepts, developing correct English usage, developing poise in public performance and community recognition for participation.
Northwest Service Cooperative of Thief River Falls, sponsored the Regional Spelling Bee which was held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at Northland College in Thief River Falls. Advancing from local and district competitions, 29 winning spellers from 26 school districts in Region 1 & 2 participated in the Regional Bee. All spellers participated in a written round in the morning with the top 14 spellers advancing to an oral round in the afternoon.
The champion of the NWSC region advanced to the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D. C. in May.
Jaden Go will advance for the second year in a row. Last year he placed 60th out of ovr 250 spellers. We wish him luck as he advances.

2nd runner up.

trophies for the winners

Scenes from the oral rounds of the 2024 Spelling Bee held at Northland Community College, Thief River Falls.
To register your school
Contact: Mercedes Coan
Phone: 218-681-0900 x 1